When Big Boss Kitchens offered to let me try the new Swirlio I was intrigued- make my fruit taste like ice cream you say? Why yes, yes that does peak my interest! For one thing, ice cream isn’t exactly the healthiest dessert choice. Another positive is that growing up I was lactose intolerant so sometimes ice cream just doesn’t sound good to me ya know? Plus the fact that there are only 3 steps- freeze, create, & clean! Who doesn’t want less work? I came up with a new combo (not from the recipe booklet included but you can bet we’ll be trying a whole lot of those recipes!) that uses frozen fresh mangoes & Cool Whip Free! Keep reading to check it out!
Swirlio transforms your favorite fruits into a soft serve frozen dessert in seconds! Making dessert that is delicious, nutritious and 100% guilt-free is easy as 1-2-3. Freeze your favorite fruit, let it thaw for a few minutes, then push it down the chute and voilà, dessert is both delicious and healthy is served. .
Swirlio comes with a recipe book with 50 mouth-watering recipes so you can try like Peach Melba Supreme, Pumpkin Pie and Bahama Mama. Save yourself a trip to your favorite Froyo joint with Big Boss Swirlio Frozen Fruit Dessert Maker in your home.
To create this blend I used 2 parts frozen mango to one part frozen Cool Whip Free. I always freeze my Cool Whip so that really wasn’t an issue!
Sawyer was EXTREMELY interested in my creation, I could set the bowl down! She followed me around until I finally let her see for herself. Then she tried to take it from me & we had a battle royale…but that’s a story for another time.
Not into my mix? Use bananas! I happened to be out (banana bread, nom) but they make the blend oober creamy & a lot more like ice cream or froyo. Another option you say? The recipe booklet nicely pointed out that you can make mixtures & add alcohol. A healthy margarita without any added sugar or fat? How about a mix of banana, pineapple, strawberries, & a bit of chocolate sauce for a sundae flavored…sundae? One I know we’ll be trying is peaches & cream with some fresh summer peaches- i am a peach fiend! Some other non-dessert options in the recipe guide were guacamole, white bean dip, & veggie dip!
So far, extremely happy with this unique invention. I’m already planning to use the Swirlio to make popsicles, daiquiris, & mint chocolate chip “ice cream” soon! Also, haven’t seen my husband this excited about fruit in quite a long time & we’re actually going through our freezer stock of fruit!
What do you think of the Swirlio idea? Have you ever used something similar? I love that it was a breeze to clean & without any blades so tiny hands can help! Don’t forget to check below for some other awesome desserts from the Friday Foodie Linkup!