So last year I wrote out my resolutions on Home in High Heels & I thought it would be fun to do that again! I love the whole “Fresh Start Feeling” you get the 1st of January every year. Can you start bettering yourself anytime? Of course! But sometimes I really appreciate the boost! I have tons & TONS of goals this year but many of them are related to blogging. I doubt that would interest you guys? I’m really active on my beauty blog which you can see here but overall I have a very long list! I figured life type resolutions would be a lot more interesting to read & hopefully it will hold me accountable as well! Keep reading to see my very long list & to see how I did on my 2013 resolutions!
So here is my post containing my 2013 New Year’s Resolutions for reference!
#1 clearly didn’t happen & I’m so sorry. Having a second blog sounded a lot easier than it actually was! I have big plans for this blog in the new year though including my love for fashion, accessories, DIY, cooking, reading, & tons of other topics. I really want this to be a lifestyle blog that shows me for me!
#2 was just okay. I’m actually coming back in February from IMATS LA 2014 to do our taxes & then we’re setting up a whole new plan. My job is so different & our money situation is also different so we need to start from square one allllll over again!
#3 was seriously lacking & is something I definitely will be working on this year! #4 is also something I’m working on this year as well! & #5 has been going great! Check out my DIY for our date night jar here! We’ve been going to more new places which has been so much more fun than the same ol same ol!
#6 I felt like was a huge success. It is something I constantly work on but I’ve been much more conscious of being thankful & overall positive for the past year! Yay!
Let’s dive into 2014 shall we?
#1 Get to saving & budgeting with the snowball method! The first step is saving up a $1000 emergency fund, baby steps! Just google the snowball budgeting method, I’m no expert & that’s where I learned all about it!
#2 Buy myself another new, ritzy camera! I’ve been using a video camera that was my husband’s before we even got married- it is like 7 years behind the times! I want a new camera with video capability (yes I do have my eye on a particular model!) to re-spark my passion for vlogging & such.
#3 De-clutter, donate, & purge more. I went through a huge change with my OCD this year & found myself in the healthiest place I’ve been in a long time. Getting rid of things I don’t need, will never use, or that someone else can use is going to be a huge part of this year. I’ve been doing so well that I want to keep the momentum going! I’m even doing the whole turning around the hangers 7 donating what is left thing. & going through all of our seasonal cra…stuff. I meant stuff.
#4 This kind of feeds into #3 but it is a big one- Use what I have! I need to use up soaps before buying more, use up salsa before opening a new jar, & just get my significant hoarding of everything under control. I also need to organize what I have like magazines I’ve been saving for crafting & stuff I have piling up to use someday.
#5 Read more. Goodreads has been excellent for planning this! I also love audio books so I’m getting a list together!
#6 Get back into my art. I love to draw & paint & just haven’t made time for that creative outlet in a long time. Painting my nails is awesome but I probably should break out the paints again.
#7 Scan ALL of my family photos. When my parents visited they brought boxes upon boxes of photos & documents that need to get scanned so they aren’t lost forever. There are SO many that it is quite daunting but I need to make a plan & stick to it- not an option!
#8 Try even more fun foods & recipes- hubby & I both enjoy them & it keeps us from falling into a rut!
#9 For health related matters, I just need to get back on track. Tracking my food, sticking to a regimen, & having goals all help. Some of my main goals are getting pushups done, working with my yoga ball, & running a mile comfortably! I have a heart condition & if I’m not consistent it is pretty much impossible to layoff then jump back in full force. Slow & steady.
#10 Keep loving my life. Be mindful of all the wonderful opportunities I have. Enjoy the people I surround myself with. & just keep being happy.
What are some of your resolutions for 2014? Any life goals to share?